3.1048 Mac's internal vs. external hard disks (34)
Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Wed, 14 Feb 90 20:44:58 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1048. Wednesday, 14 Feb 1990.
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 16:23:30 MST
From: Chuck Bush <ECHUCK@BYUVM>
Subject: External vs Internal Hard Disks
Kessler@UCLA suggests buying a Macintosh without the internal hard disk,
then getting a good-quality external drive. I would add another
advantage: when the CPU is kaputt, the data is still intact--all you
have to do is hook the drive up to another computer. We use external
disk drives on the network server in our Mac lab. When the server SE
died, I was able to simply replace it with one of the student station
SE's, re-attach all the cables and power everything up. We were back in
operation in ten minutes.
Of course there are some disadvantages: the extra box to find room for
on the desk, the extra power cord to plug in somewhere, the extra switch
to remember to turn on, the extra cable clutter.... (Are four dots an
acceptable substitute for "etc."?)
Chuck Bush
Humanities Research Center
Brigham Young University
p.s. I'm rather sorry to learn that Kessler's unique orthography is
simply due to fumbly fingers. I was hoping there might be some
e.e. cummings-like significance.