3.868 e-dictionaries? e-mail address? (55)

Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Tue, 19 Dec 89 21:39:45 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 868. Tuesday, 19 Dec 1989.

(1) Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 15:34:10 EST (21 lines)
From: Jan Eveleth <EVELETH@YALEVM>
Subject: E-dictionaries

(2) Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 16:02:12 EST (14 lines)
From: Eldad Salzmann +972 3 472406 <ELDAD@TAUNIVM>
Subject: Looking for E-mail address

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 15:34:10 EST
From: Jan Eveleth <EVELETH@YALEVM>
Subject: E-dictionaries

I've had two persons requesting electronic dictionaries recently. In
each case, they'd like to be able to type in the word and have the
dictionary entry appear. The requests are for french, italian,
hungarian, and german but I'd be interested in hearing about software
for any language. In an ideal situation, these dictionaries would
either work in conjunction with a word processor (such as Word Perfect
5.0 or MS Word) and/or as TSR's so that the writing need not be
disrupted. Information on such software for either Mac or DOS
environments would be appreciated.

And might there be foreign language dictionaries such that if I type in
a word in english I get a list of foreign equivalents? And vice versa?
(Thanks, but no pocket translators please.)

Jan Eveleth
Yale University
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------21----
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 16:02:12 EST
From: Eldad Salzmann +972 3 472406 <ELDAD@TAUNIVM>
Subject: Looking for E-mail address

Dear Willard,

One of the students at the Tel Aviv University is looking for the E-mail
address of Prof. Michael M.A.E. Dummepp, from the Oxford New College.
She will appreciate any help in locating him. Regards, -Eldad

PS I am told Prof. Dummepp teaches in the Philosophy Department. Please
distribute this piece of mail in the Humanist LIST. I hope someone knows
the professor's E-mail address.