3.519 Bitnet demos; bibliographic software (86)

Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Sat, 30 Sep 89 20:57:30 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 519. Saturday, 30 Sep 1989.

(1) Date: Thu, 14 Sep 89 08:55 EDT (57 lines)
Subject: Money for BITNET demonstration.

(2) Date: Sat, 30 Sep 89 17:45:40 EDT (8 lines)
From: Randal_Baier@ub.cc.umich.edu
Subject: 3.494 NB bib utility (41)

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 89 08:55 EDT
Subject: Money for BITNET demonstration.

[The following note was delayed because it was sent to mccarty@utoronto,
a seldom used account. Note that my address is mccarty@utorepas,
Humanist's humanist@utoronto. --W.M.]

I don't know the details of Steve Dill's BITNET environment, but I would
hope that money would not be needed if he is using their University's
ordinary computer facilities. It certainly strikes me as counter to the
spirit of BITNET! Given that he is at a BITNET node, he ought to have a
designated INFOREP. His message implies that this person can't arrange
such a demonstration without cost on the existing facilities, nu??

As someone who gives fairly frequent customized BITNET usage demonstrations
on either a one-to-one or one-to-several (up to 10) basis, I'll also toss
in some comments that may be very applicable if many of the participants
have never used a computer. I find that an hour and half is the absolute
maximum amount of time to try to load people up with information before
they have a chance to practice for a while (days) on their own. In an hour
and a half (or less), with people who are inexperienced users of your
computer environment, you can expect to spend, easily, two-thirds of the
time on the mechanics of logging in and using your mail system -- before
ever really being able to talk about he good things that are BITNET
specific. Logging in alone can be an unbelievable complication under these
circumstances. Anything that can possibly go wrong with their accounts,
will!! I recommend one experienced helper for every three or four people
seated at terminals.

Jim Cerny, Computing and Information Services, University of N.H.
(BITNET INFOREP, TECHREP, and Postmaster for node UNHH)

----------8< --------- original message ------8< ----------------------
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 462. Wednesday, 13 Sep 1989.

(2) Date: Wed, 13 Sep 89 08:38:44 CDT (14 lines)
From: Steve Dill <UGA108@SDNET>
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Date Wed, 13 Sep 89 08:38:44 CDT
>From Steve Dill <UGA108@SDNET>

I am searching for a modest grant ($500) to pay some of the costs of
a demonstration of BITNET to novice users.

A panel of members of HUMANIST who are also members of the American
Society for Eighteenth Studies must demonstrate BITNET applications
(hands-on) to a group of ASECS members who quite possibly
have never used a computer before. We may need to pay part of the
costs of the computer or of a lab.

If anyone has any suggestions, I am Steve Dill, UGA108@SDNET,
or Dept. of English, Univ. of South Dakota, Vermillion, 57069.
Much obliged
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------16----
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 89 17:45:40 EDT
From: Randal_Baier@ub.cc.umich.edu
Subject: 3.494 NB bib utility (41)

This kind of software is already available. It's known as ProCite and
comes in both MS-DOS and Macintosh formats. I don't know how Dragonfly
will compare to ProCite, but that program has been around for some
time and has many users in North America.