3.441 BIOGRAFY 22 (677)
Wed, 6 Sep 89 23:02:54 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 441. Wednesday, 6 Sep 1989.
Autobiographies of Humanists
Twenty-first Supplement
Following are 22 additional entries to the collection of
autobiographical statements by members of the Humanist discussion
Humanists on IBM VM/CMS systems will want a copy of Jim Coombs'
exec for searching and retrieving biographical entries. It is
kept on Humanist's file-server; for more information, see the
Guide to Humanist.
Further additions, corrections, and updates are welcome.
Willard McCarty
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, Univ. of Toronto
6 September 1989
*Aristar-Dry, Helen <islhad@es.uit.no>
I have a Ph.D. in English Language and Linguistics from the U. of
Texas at Austin, where I did a dissertation on syntactic reflexes
of point of view in Austen's _Emma_. I am an Assoc. Prof. of
English and linguistics at the U. of Texas at San Antonio; but
currently I have a Fulbright lecturing/research grant to the U.
of Tromso in Norway. My research interests involve primarily the
syntactic and pragmatic analysis of literary narrative; thus, the
paper I am giving at the Giessen conference on "Co-operating with
Written Texts" in September is on Henry James' use of
presuppositional constructions. Recently, however, I have become
interested in computational stylistics. I have several of
Austen's texts on disk (courtesy of the Oxford Text Archive) and
am looking at them for use of non-anaphoric reflexives and past
tense modals. Also, I hope to teach a course on computation and
style here at Tromso next semester.
*Barr, David Lawrence <dbarr@wsu.bitnet>
Professor of Religion, Director, University Honors Program,
Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 45435; (513) 873-2661. Home
Address: 206 Cambria Drive, Beavercreek, OH 45440; (513) 429-
Born April 24, 1942, in Belding, Michigan; Married: Judith Kay
Dunlap (1966); Two Children: Elizabeth Kay (1973), Nathaniel
David (1976)
Education: Ph.D. in Religion, Florida State University,
Interdepartmental Program In Humanities, August, 1974. M.A.,
Florida State University, 1969. B.A. Ft Wayne Bible College,
Travel: Turkey and Israel in the summer of 1986.
Chairer, Department of Religion, Wright State University, 1980-
Co-Director, Public Education Religion Studies Center, 1978-1985.
President, Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society, 1985-86; VP
Associate Editor, Proceeding of the Eastern Great Lakes and
Biblical Societies, 1986-
Co-Chairer, Bible in Ancient and Modern Media Group in the
Society of
Biblical Literature, 1987-.
Memberships: Society of Biblical Literature; Catholic Biblical
Association; American Academy of Religion; Eastern Great Lakes
Biblical Society; Dayton New Testament Seminar; Society for the
Study of Narrative
Books: New Testament Story: An Introduction. Wadsworth Publishing
Company, 1987. The Bible in American Education, a centennial
volume prepared for the Society of Biblical Literature and
published by Fortress Press and Scholars Press, 1982 (co-editor
with Nicholas Piediscalzi). The Bible Reader's Guide, Bruce, 1970
(Co-author with James V. Panoch, Rodney Allen and Robert Spivey).
Religion Goes To School: A Practical Handbook for Teachers,
Harper & Row, 1968 (Co-author with James V. Panoch).
Selected Articles: "The Fifth Gospel: The Book of Revelation as
Good News," Adult Biblical Independent Learning Tucson: ABIL
Foundation, 1989. "The Apocalypse of John as an Oral Enactment,"
Interpretation, 40/3 (July 1986): 243-56. "Elephants and
Holograms: From Metaphor to Methodology in the Study of John's
Apocalypse," Society of Biblical Literature 1986 Seminar Papers,
Scholars Press, 1986: 400-411. "The Apocalypse as a Symbolic
Transformation of the World: A Literary Study," Interpretation,
January 38/1 (1984) 39-50. "The Conventions of Classical
Biography and The Genre of Luke-Acts," in Luke-Acts: New
Perspectives from the SBL Seminar, edited by Charles
Talbert, Crossroads Press, 1983: 63-88, (co-author with Judith
Wentling). "The Bible in Public Education Today," in The Bible in
American Education, Scholars Press and Fortress Press, 1982:165-
97, (co-author with Peter Bracher). "The Drama of Matthew's
Gospel: A Reconsideration of its Structure and Purpose," Theology
Digest 24/4 (January, 1977), 349-359 (translated into Japanese
in 1983).
Reviews published in the Journal of Biblical Literature,
Interpretation, the Journal of the American Academy of Religion,
The Second Century, TSF Bulletin, and other journals.
Papers read at meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature,
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Eastern Great Lakes Biblical
Society, American Academy of Religion, and other societies.
Work in Progress:
Pursuing research on the social world of the Apocalypse, which
has included a research trip to Turkey, with a view toward an
integrated literary, historical, and social analysis of this
important document.
Have agreed to write a narrative commentary on the Apocalypse of
John, to be part of a new series published by Polebridge Press,
R. Alan Culpepper, general editor.
"How Shall We Understand Matthew's Relation to Judaism? A
Question of Method," a major essay being revised for publication.
*Besemer, Susan P.
INSTITUTION: SUNY College at Fredonia
DEPARTMENT: Reed Library
TITLE: Director of Library Services
PHONE: (716)673-3181
ADDRESS: 037 Reed Library
SUNY Fredonia
Fredonia, New York
I have been the Director of the Library at SUNY Fredonia for just
over two years. Before that I was at the Butler Library at SUNY
College at Buffalo for almost 15 years. I am interested in using
computers to improve access to library information, and for my
own use as a professional person. I started using microcomputers
in the early 1980s when I learned WordStar on an old Heathkit
computer. I taught WordStar to faculty and other people in
classes and indiviually, enjoying that very much. I also bought
my own Osborne I at that time and used it to compile a book
(published by Greenwood Press) which lists interviews with visual
artists which are recorded on film, video and audiocassette. Much
to the amusement of some, I still use my Ozzie, and haven't moved
up to a PC.
*Bestul, Thomas <tbestul@crcvms.unl.edu OR
Professor of English and Director, Humanities Research Facility,
Department of English / University of Nebraska-Lincoln / Lincoln,
NE 68588-0333; (402) 472-1813
I am a professor of English (Ph.D. Harvard 1970), a faculty
member at Nebraska since 1968, a former Associate Dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences, and a medievalist, with special
interests in manuscript studies, Anselm of Canterbury, the Latin
devotional literature of the eleventh through the fourteenth
centuries, and Chaucer.
My own interest in humanities computing is in applications to
medieval studies, especially databases and machine-readable
texts. I am a participant in the project Sources of Anglo-Saxon
Literary Culture, which will eventually exist in the form of a
regularly updated database, as well as in printed form. The
Humanities Research Facility at the University of Nebraska-
Lincoln is designed to support all aspects of research in the
humanities through the use of modern technology, particularly
computing. As its Director, I take responsibility for staying
informed of current developments to the extent I am able. My
published scholarship is in medieval studies and has not dealt
with computer applications. Two recent representative examples:
A Durham Book of Devotions, Toronto Medieval Latin Texts 18
(Toronto 1987), and "Chaucer's Parson's Tale and the Late-
Medieval Tradition of Religious Meditation" forthcoming in
*Blumenthal, Dr. Henry J. <AR01@uk.ac.liv.ibm>
Dept. of Classics and Archaeology, University of Liverpool, P. O.
Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, U.K.
My position is in Greek, till two years ago a separate department
here, and most of my teaching is in Greek language and
literature, but my research interests are primarily in Greek
Philosophy, especially neoplatonism: lately I've spent most of my
time on the Aristotelian commentators. Other interests:
Comparative Philology and Homeric Epic.
*Boggs, John (John C. Boggs, Jr.) <Boggs@URVAX.bitnet>
Professor; Department of English, University of Richmond, Va.
23173; (804) 2898294; Home: 2883426
Degrees from Duke and Columbia. Teaching at U of Richmond since
1962. Principal interest in 20th-century British and American
literature; special focus on Joyce and the Irish Renaissance.
Also some background in 19th-century American literature, with
focus on works of Melville.
*Bryson, Tim
INSTITUTION:University of Chicago
DEPARTMENT:Divinity School
TITLE:Ph.D. Candidate
ADDRESS:5414 S. Ridgewood Ct. 3N, Chicago, IL
A.B. Harvard. A.M. Stanford/University of Chicago. I am
presently (8/89) at the University of Chicago working at a
dissertation on religious syncretism. I have used my IBM AT to
advantage in this project not only for word-processing (Notabene)
but for locating (Dialog) and organizing (NotebookII)
bibliographical references. In addition I use Multi-Lingual
Scholar to help me communicate in Bengali by mail with contacts
in Calcutta. Recently I joined CompuServe and now Humanist which,
if nothing else, will relieve the obsessional isolation of
dissertation work. My academic specialization is modern
Hinduism. But this academic interest stems from my previous
experience as a monk first in a Japanese Rinzai Zen monastery and
then in an Hindu Vedanta monastery. I seek to exploit computer
technology ultimately as a tool for research and communication in
the task of inter-cultural understanding at the deepest level.
Right now all I have in mind are things like simply encouraging
scholars in my field to use computers to help them find, organize
and present their data; someday working on inter-active multi-
media role- playing programs and relational databases such as the
Apple labs are developing in San Francisco; and somehow
encouraging the expansion of telecommunications networking within
and beyond our cultural boundaries.
*Cohn, Robert L. <COHNR@LAFAYETT>
Philip and Muriel Berman Scholar in Jewish Studies, Department of
Religion, Lafayette College, Easton, PA 18042 USA; 215-250-5182
I received the B.A. from Northwestern University and A.M. and
Ph.D. from Stanford in Religious Studies and Humanities. My
areas of teaching are in Hebrew Bible, Judaism and comparative
religion. My research of late has focused on literary approaches
to biblical narrative with articles on the Elijah-Elisha tales, a
commentary on 1 Samuel, and ongoing work on images of the "other"
in biblical literature. At the same time I am interested in
comparative categories such as "sainthood" and "scripture" and I
tend to approach Judaic phenomena from a comparative perspective.
Currently I am teaching at Lafayette College and am affiliated
with the Philip and Muriel Berman Center for Jewish Studies
located at Lehigh University and serving the six colleges in the
Lehigh Valley. Half of University and serving the six colleges
in the Lehigh Valley. As part University and serving the six
colleges in the Lehigh Valley. Part of my teaching, under the
sponsorship of the Center, is at the other colleges in the
consortium. The Center also sponsors seminars and conferences
for the colleges and the community.
My wife, Renee Cohn, is an attorney in Allentown, PA, and our
sons, Gideon, nearly 6, and Michael, 2 1/2, amaze and delight us.
*Corsi, Sandro <corsi@oshkoshw> <corsi@oshkosh.wisc.edu>
Asst. Prof., Dept. of Art, Univ. of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, Oshkosh,
WI 54901 USA; (414) 424-1238, or -2219, or -2235
Master of Fine Arts, 1986, and Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1984.
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Assistant professor of Art, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh,
Animation assistant, David Alexovich Animation, Chicago, IL,
Free-lance illustrator, Rome, Italy, 1979-1983.
SIGGRAPH Conference Grant for Educators, ACM/SIGGRAPH, Boston,
Research grant, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, Faculty
Program, 1988.
Mellon Fellowship, Center for Advanced Studies in Art and
Chicago, 1985-86.
Recent Exhibitions
"Electronic Image Exhibition", St.Louis Community College,
St.Louis, MO, 1989.
Art Show The Arts & Technology II symposium, Connecticut
College, New London, CT, 1989.
"Q-Cu, Kunst und Medien" competition, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic
of Germany, 1988.
Art Show 1st International Symposium on Electronic Art, Utrecht,
The Netherlands, 1988.
Art Show SIGGRAPH'88 conference, Atlanta, GA, 1988.
"Emerald City Classic VII" Nepenthe Mundi Society, Wichita, KS,
First place award, computer-professional.
"Art of the Computer", Euphrat Gallery, De Anza College, Cupertino, CA,
Published work
Credited for all the illustrations in: "Storia degli antichi astronomi",
"Storia dell'astronomia moderna", "Storia dell'universo", 1984;
"La Creazione", 1982; "Nasce l'uomo moderno", 1980.
All of the above were originally published by Jaca Book, Milano,
Other publishers included Winston Press, Minneapolis, in the US.
Also credited for part of the illustrations in other books and
Aside from...
To the above "formal" bio, I might add that I have a mixed
academic background (having started out with physics, later
moving on to a variety of other endeavours -- which culminated in
a terminal degree in the Fine Arts), and an equally mixed
cultural background, having lived in several countries before
moving to the US in 1983.
My main interests currently concern applications of computers in
the visual arts -- ranging from the simulation of older media
(paint programs) to the creation of altogether new interactive
works. In the past I have worked in more traditional media
(drawing, filmmmaking), as well as carrying on some theoretical
research on the implications of digital media for the future
status of the arts.
Closely related to the preceding are my art-education interests.
My job involves the creation from scratch of a computer art
program. So far I've taken care of the bulk of the soft/hardware
purchasing, and have developed and taught two courses. I'm now in
the process of writing three more course proposals -- as well as
constantly revising the existing sillabi. Outside of the arts...
as an undergraduate I was exposed to some semiotics and
linguistics, and occasionaly I've stuck my nose into
communications. I have an especially keen interest in the social
implications of new channels of communications, especially those
(such as computer networks) that can combine broad- and narrow-
casting, and allow active participation on the part of everyone
*Davis, John N.
INSTITUTION: University of Victoria
DEPARTMENT: Faculty of Law
TITLE: Associate Professor and Law Librarian
EMAIL: Bitnet: YYJDAVIS@UVVM Internet:
PHONE: (604) 721-8562
ADDRESS: Box 2300, VICTORIA, British Columbia
I was born in Brant County in southwestern Ontario, and grew up
on a dairy farm there. Classics were my passion in high school,
where I managed to get 5 years of Latin and 3 of Greek. Before
completing the honours computer science program at the University
of Western Ontario, I left to do a law degree at the University
of Toronto. After that, I articled, was called to the bar, and
practiced law in Cayuga, Ontario for a year. Then, pining for
academia, I returned to the University of Western Ontario for a
degree in library science. After graduation, I went to the law
library at the University of Manitoba. In my spare time there, I
chaired the Faculty Association's grievance committee, and was
contract administrator. Finally, after six winters in Winnipeg, I
left for my present position. I have been here in Victoria just
two years. My research interests are chiefly "historical" - I
would not resent being called an antiquarian - focussing blurrily
on legal writing styles, native law, and constitutional law. On
the library side, I am constantly using computers.
*Donaldson, Randall (Randy)
INSTITUTION: Loyola College in Maryland
DEPARTMENT: Foreign Languages & Literatures
TITLE: Asst. Professor of German
PHONE: (301) 323-1010 x2299
ADDRESS: 4501 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (ca. 100-500 words)
I am trained in German language and literature (Ph.D., Hopkins,
1977), but was in college administration for six years, during
which time I became very involved with computers both mainframes
and PCs, but mostly PCs even as I lost touch with my primary
field(s) of interest: literary criticism; nineteenth-century
German literature; and German-American Literature.
As I try to put my computer knowledge to work in resuming my
scholarly research, my sense is that many of my German colleagues
(in the Americas or in Europe) are simply not very involved with
computers at least not as involved as my own local colleagues in
Italian and Linguistics seem to be.
I am very interested at the moment in the existence of or plans
for a computerized bibliograpy(ies) on Germans in other countries
in general and German-Americans in specific. I am also beginning
a project on Goethean criticism in which I hope to use a
concordance program (Oxford?; WordCruncher?) to examine Goethe's
works for certain key words and constellations and would be glad
to learn opportunities to obtain Goethe's work in machine-
readable form.
Graduate Student, Yale University; Department of Philosophy, Yale
University, P.O. Box 3650, Yale Station, New Haven, CT. 06520
U.S.A.; (203)865-5971
*Evens, Dan <evens@utorphys>
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A7
I am a postdoctoral fellow, working on quantum field theory. My
training has been in quantum mechanics, gravity and both special
and general relativity, as well as the standard complement of
math that a physicist absorbs in his career. My interests in
computers have been mainly of a strictly practical problem
solving nature, numerical integration, system modeling and such.
My interests in philosophy have been mainly in a sort of dabbling
in ethics and metaphysics. I am interested in the philosophy of
science, and in particular the philosphy of the quantal nature of
the universe.
*Fischer, John Irwin
INSTITUTION: Lousiana State University
TITLE:Professor of English
PHONE:Office (504) 388-3023; Home (504)) 766-5816
ADDRESS:5034 S. Chalet Court, Baton Rouge, Lousiana
I received my Ph.D. at the University of Florida in 1968 and have
taught at LSU since that date. My interests include early
eighteenth-century English satire, Swift's poetry, documentary
scholarship, editing practices, and academic computing. I have
some skill manipulating Ventura 1.1 and Nota Bene 3.0. I am a
beginner at BITNET.
My publications include _On Swift's Poetry,_ Florida, 1976;
_Contemporary Studies in Swift's Poetry_ (co-edit),Delaware,
1981; and _Swift and His Contexts_ (co-edit), AMS, 1989.
*Gall, Norman R. <gall@nexus.yorku.ca>
Graduate Student (PhD Candidate) Philosophy, York University,
4700 Keele Street, North York, ON M3J 1P3, 663-2901
My areas of research are primarily in the philosophy of mind and
psychology with a decidedly Wittgensteinian slant. I am also
interested in the status of so-called 'fringe science', i.e.
parapsychology, etc.
I am very skilled in the use, maintenance, and installation of
medium to large Macintosh netowrks and interconnections with
EtherNet backbones, and IBM (yuk) Token-Ring nets. I want to see
what sorts of software tools can be integrated with new hardware
schemes to provide researchers with the best systems possible.
In addition, I collect all manner of public-domain and Shareware
*Gilbert, David
INSTITUTION: University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign
DEPARTMENT: School of Music. Division of Musicology
TITLE: PhD Candidate
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (ca. 100-500 words)
Before coming to U of I to enter the MA/PhD program in musicology
I was a systems analyst in Chicago. I also have an MA in library
science from the Univ. of Chicago but I was only a librarian for
six months (at the American Library Association). My main areas
of study are 19th century France, the composer Hector Berlioz,
and 19th and 20th century opera. My main computing interests are
network applications (such as this one), bibliographic data bases
and catalogs (I came to this list via PACS-L), and the design of
user interfaces to such beasts.
*Golan, Lew <lew@taunivm>
Achimeir 13, Tel Aviv 69126, Israel; tel: 972-3-427638
I am on the Faculty of Humanities at Tel Aviv University, in a
dual capacity with the Diaspora Research Institute: (1) as an
editor of academic papers, and (2) as a consultant on personal
computing in general and Nota Bene in particular.
However, my work in academia is more of a sideline to my work in
(you should excuse the expression) the real world. I am a writer
and creative director in several areas of communication --
marketing, advertising, training and education.
I use desktop publishing (Ventura Publisher, Publisher's
Paintbrush, H-P scanner, QMS 800+ Postscript laser printer) for
much of my work -- producing academic journals for other research
institutes at the university, and creating and producing ads and
brochures for my commercial clients.
I got into computing the way many other writers have
done...moving from a manual Royal to an electric Praxis to a
Kaypro 2X to a Tandy 1000 with two floppies to a Tandy 3000 with
a 40-megger and a RAMpage 286 expanded memory.
I write educational television programs that are used for
teaching English in Israel's school system. I ghosted several
textbooks for a professor in labor relations in the States.
I attended the University of Chicago (which makes me a humanist
in good standing from way back in 1948), and earned my degree in
journalism at the University of Illinois. We (wife, four
daughters) moved to Israel in 1970. We (wife, youngest daughter)
moved back to the States in 1978. We (wife) moved back to Israel
in 1986, leaving our youngest daughter at Indiana University.
The pendulum has swung between some other extremes as well: I
have been senior vice president and head of creative services at
the world's largest marketing services agency, with hundreds of
writers, art directors and other people reporting to me...and I
have worked alone as a fulltime freelance writer. I have lived
in a megalopolis...and I was a member of a kibbutz for five
Still, one aspect of my life has remained relatively constant:
I'm an incurable protester. In the 60's, I marched on Washington
during the Vietnam war, and with Martin Luther King at Selma.
Today, I march against the government's handling of the intifada,
and against the actions of settlers on the West Bank.
No, I didn't burn my draft card in the 60's. The army didn't
want me in the first place, because I've been totally deaf since
the age of 6. So I burned my library card instead.
*Grycz, Czeslaw Jan
INSTITUTION: University of California
DEPARTMENT: Division of Library Automation
TITLE: Chair, Scholarship and Technology Study Project
PHONE: (415) 987-5061
ADDRESS: Kaiser Center, Eighth Floor
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, California
POSTAL CODE: 94612-3550
Involved with Scholarly Publishing since 1971, first at Stanford
University Press, and - for the last thirteen years - at the
University of California Press. As of July 1, 1989 heading up a
project to provide electronic journal publication facilities at
the University of California utilizing the MELVYL network as a
distribution carrier. Interested, therefore, in SGML, object-
oriented text tagging, and similar issues. Lecture and speak
*Hallheim, Arne <arne@navf-edb-h.uib.uninett>
Maint.eng., Adr. : PO Box 53, Universitetet, N-5027 Bergen,
Norway; Phone: +47 5 212954; Fax : +47 5 322656
I'm working at Norvegian Computing Centre for the Humanities,
located in Bergen, Norway. My work includes system-operation of
our Local Area Network (appr. 30 pc's) and two SUN workstations.
I also do some programming (Pascal/C). This is my first job after
Technical College, electronics/micropros. studies. My interests
are programs/technical applications that might be usefull for
users in the Humanities.
*Hancher, Michael <MH@UMNACVX>
Professor of English, University of Minnesota, 207 Lind Hall, 207
Church Street, S.E., Minneapolis MN 55455 USA; 612/625-3363
Author: numerous articles on speech-act theory, literary theory,
literature and the law, and literary illustration; also a book on
John Tenniel.
Member: American Society for Aesthetics, Dictionary Society of
North America, Linguistic Society of America, Modern Language
Association of America.
Current computing interests: mainly utilitarian (on-line catalog-
, bibliography- and text-searching, listservers such as this,
*Hansen, Tom <thansen@crcvms.unl.edu>
Computing Resource Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 326
Adm., Lincoln, NE 68588-0496, (402) 472-5224
I'm an Urban Sociologist with a keen interest in computing and
the humanities. I'm currently employed as a computer resource
specialist with one of my more interesting and pleasurable
responsibilities being our Humanities Research Facility.
My major research interest is the development of tools to access
widely distributed databases by individuals using microcomputers
connected to a network. Anything that deals with HyperText
and/or HyperMedia will also get my attention
*Harris, Mary Dee <mdharris@guvax>
Consultant in Natural Language Processing and Artificial
Intelligence in the Washington, DC, area.; Address: Language
Technology, 2153 California St. NW, Suite 304, Washington, DC
20008; (202)-387-0626.
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, in English literature and
Computer Science; dissertation: "Computer Collation of
Poetry: Dylan Thomas' 'Poem on his Birthday'"
Research interests: interaction of metaphor and discourse
structure, knowledge-based natural language processing, cognitive
linguistic approaches to natural language processing
Major publications:
Introduction to Natural Language Processing (Prentice-Hall,
"Dylan Thomas' Use of Roget's Thesaurus during Composition of
'Poem on his Birthday'," PBSA, LXXII, No. 4 (1978), 505-517.
"Dylan Thomas the Craftsman: Computer Analysis of the
Composition of a Poem," ALLC Bulletin, 7, No. 3 (1979), 295-300.
"Poetry vs the Computer," Festschrift in honor of Roberto Busa,
S.J., edited by Antonio Zampolli and Laura Cignoni,
University of Pisa, Fall, 1987.
"Analysis of the Discourse Structure of Lyric Poetry," CHum,
forthcoming. [Presented at ICCH/1987, Columbia, South
Carolina, April, 1987.]