2.306 converting to/from NB? Hungarian Mac? (44)

Tue, 4 Jul 89 18:53:18 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 206. Tuesday, 4 Jul 1989.

(1) Date: Tue, 4 Jul 89 13:51:00 EDT (12 lines)
From: Robert Kirsner <IDT1RSK@OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: converting to and from Nota Bene

(2) Date: Tue, 4 Jul 89 13:49:00 EDT (12 lines)
From: Robert Kirsner <IDT1RSK@OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Hungarian fonts for the MacIntosh???

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 89 13:51:00 EDT
From: Robert Kirsner <IDT1RSK@OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: converting to and from Nota Bene

Dear Colleagues,
I have recently experienced difficulty
converting Nota Bene files to Microsoft Word and to Wordstar
and to WordPerfect. Can anyone out there recommend a translation
program which does the job without losing footnotes and formatting?
If so, please send all information so that I can have it ordered.
Thank you,
Robert Kirsner
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------20----
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 89 13:49:00 EDT
From: Robert Kirsner <IDT1RSK@OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Hungarian fonts for the MacIntosh???

Dear members of the Humanist Group Mind:
I have a colleague
who has just begun to use a MacIntosh and Microsoft Word. She
works on Hungarian, which uses special diacritics, such as long
and short umlauts. Could anyone out there recommend a Hungarian
font which she could use. She is a beginner, so it must be simple.
Thank you,
Robert Kirsner