schedule for the software fair (515)

Mon, 1 May 89 22:20:23 EDT

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 915. Monday, 1 May 1989.

Date: 1 May 1989
From: Willard McCarty <mccarty@utorepas>
Subject: fair schedule

Tools for Humanists, 1989

a software and hardware fair held in conjunction with
The Dynamic Text
6-9 June 1989

(1 May 1989)

`Tools for Humanists, 1989' is a large software and hardware fair
for scholars in the humanities. It is being held in concert with
`The Dynamic Text' conference at the University of Toronto, from
2:30 p.m., Tuesday 6 June, to 5:30 p.m., Friday 9 June. It will
feature slightly over 50 scheduled demonstrations on
approximately 40 workstations of various kinds (IBM, Macintosh,
Sun, NeXT). In addition 2 IBMs and 2 Macintoshes will be kept
available throughout the duration of the fair for unscheduled
demonstrations. Special talks are also planned.

Each day of the fair is divided into three periods: (1) morning,
10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; (2) afternoon, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.; and
(3) evening, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Note, however, that the first day
of the fair will have no morning period, and the last day no
evening period. During the evenings, the fair will be open to the
general public as well as to conference attendees. For those not
attending the conference, admission to the fair will cost $5 on
each occasion.

As part of the registration materials, attendees will receive a
copy of the comprehensive guidebook to the fair. This guidebook
will contain accurate descriptions of the software and hardware
on display. It will be available to non-registrants at a
reasonable cost.

The exhibition room is situated in a prominent place, between the
main lecture theatre and the rooms where the breakout sessions
are to be held. A rough diagram of the room will be found below.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change without
notice. Comments and corrections are welcome. May errors be
greeted with forgiveness.

Willard McCarty
Local Organizer
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
University of Toronto
voice: (416) 978-3974
fax: (416) 978-6519
e-mail: mccarty@utorepas

Tuesday 6 June

W configuration morning afternoon evening
-- -------------------- ------------ ------------ -----------
1 AT (c) (none) Rust Portoraro
2 AT (m,H+,HPLJ,#11) Ott Ott
3 PS2 (c) Daoust
4 PS2 (c,p24,#5) Colpaert Cioran
5 PS2 (c,#4) Colson Colson
6 PS2 (m) Maranda Maranda
7 PS2 (m,mse,vd,#18) Ore Ore
8 AT (m,H+,cd,EMS) Baima Baima
9 PS2 (m) Melby Melby
10 PS2z (m,#17) Faulhaber Bradley
11 PS2 (m,#2,12,HPLJ); Ib. Kraft Kraft
12 PS2 (m,HPLJ,#11) Siebert Siebert
13 PS2 (m) Mohler Morgan
14 (dem) Wong Wong
15 (dem, t2) Sola' Sola'
16 (dem) O'Connor O'Connor
17 (dem: MacII,cd,#10,22) Rockwell
18 MacII Ore Ore
19 MacSE (mt, #20) Olsen Olsen
20 M+;VT200 (mt,#19,26) Hollander Hollander
21 PS2 Hurd Hurd
22 MacII (2Mb RAM,c,cd,vd,#17) Nara Mylonas
23 Sun 3/60 *1 Marin Wilson
24 (dem: IBM 5550) Oikawa Oikawa
25 Sun 3/60 *2 Tompa
26 term (mt, #20) Adamo Adamo
27 (dem) Voorhis Voorhis
28 (dem) Martin Martin
29 (dem) Bolton Bolton
30 (dem) Johnston Johnston
31 (dem: NeXT) (Clarke) (Clarke)
32 (dem) Wesolowski Wesolowski
33 (dem) O'Brien O'Brien
34 (dem) Kurzweil Kurzweil
35 (dem) Makrolog Makrolog
36 (dem) Texpert Texpert
37 (dem) Picchi
38 PS2 (3270,mt,p) Schumacher Schumacher
39 (dem) Lamb Lamb
H1 PS2 (NA) (NA)
H2 PS2 (NA) (NA)
H3 MacSE (NA) (NA)
H4 MacSE (NA) (NA)

*1 OS4.0; 16Mb RAM (Wilson) or 4Mb (Marin); mono; 100Mb disk;
1/4-inch tape unit.
*2 OS4.0; X.11 release 3; 8Mb RAM; 100Mb disk space; tape.

Wednesday June 7

W morning afternoon evening
-- ------------ ------------ -----------
1 Portoraro Rust Zettersten
2 Hunter Ott Hunter
3 Daoust Zahavy Zahavy
4 Colpaert Cioran
5 Ehrlich Ehrlich Portoraro
6 Snelgrove Snelgrove Mepham
7 Ore Ore
8 Baima Baima Baima
9 Melby Halteren Melby
10 Faulhaber Bradley Bradley
11 Kraft Kraft Kraft
12 Siebert Siebert Siebert
13 Morgan Mohler Mohler
14 Wong Wong Wong
15 Sola' Sola' Sola'
16 O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor
17 Rockwell Chapman Brunet (tk)
18 Janus Janus Janus
19 Kraft Kraft Olsen
20 Hollander Hollander Hollander
21 Hurd Hurd Hurd
22 Mylonas Nara Mylonas
23 Marin Wilson Marin
24 Oikawa Oikawa Oikawa
25 Tompa Tompa
26 Adamo Adamo
27 Voorhis Voorhis Voorhis
28 Martin Martin
29 Bolton Bolton Bolton
30 Johnston Johnston Johnston
31 (Clarke) (Clarke) (Clarke)
32 Wesolowski Wesolowski Wesolowski
33 O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien
34 Kurzweil Kurzweil Kurzweil
35 Makrolog Makrolog Makrolog
36 Texpert Texpert Texpert
37 Picchi Picchi
38 Schumacher Schumacher Schumacher
39 Lamb Lamb Lamb
H1 (NA) (NA) (NA)
H2 (NA) (NA) (NA)
H3 (NA) (NA) (NA)
H4 (NA) (NA) (NA)

Thursday June 8

W morning afternoon evening
-- ------------ ------------ -----------
1 McKinnon Rust Zettersten
2 Ott Dresher
3 Zahavy Daoust
4 Cioran Colpaert
5 Colson Semonche Colson
6 Mepham Mepham Mepham
7 Ore Ore
8 Baima
9 Melby Halteren Melby
10 Bradley Faulhaber Faulhaber
11 Kraft
12 Siebert Siebert Siebert
13 Morgan Mohler Morgan
14 Wong Wong Wong
15 Sola' Sola' Sola'
16 O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor
17 Chapman Rockwell Rockwell
18 Ore Ore Janus
19 Olsen Kraft
20 Hollander Hollander Hollander
21 Hurd Hurd Hurd
22 Nara Mylonas
23 Wilson
24 Oikawa Oikawa Oikawa
26 Adamo Adamo
27 Voorhis Voorhis Voorhis
28 Martin Martin
29 Bolton Bolton Bolton
30 Johnston Johnston Johnston
31 (Clarke) (Clarke)
32 Wesolowski Wesolowski Wesolowski
33 O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien
34 Kurzweil Kurzweil Kurzweil
35 Makrolog Makrolog Makrolog
36 Texpert Texpert Texpert
37 Picchi Picchi
38 Schumacher Schumacher Schumacher
39 Lamb Lamb Lamb
H1 (NA) (NA) (NA)
H2 (NA) (NA) (NA)
H3 (NA) (NA) (NA)
H4 (NA) (NA) (NA)

Friday June 9

W morning afternoon
-- ------------ ------------
1 Portoraro McKinnon
2 Ott Dresher
3 Daoust Zahavy
4 Colpaert Cioran
5 Semonche Ehrlich
6 Maranda Maranda
7 Snelgrove Snelgrove
8 Baima
9 Halteren Melby
10 Faulhaber Faulhaber
11 Kraft Kraft
12 Siebert Siebert
13 Morgan Mohler
14 Wong Wong
15 Sola' Sola'
16 O'Connor O'Connor
17 Rockwell Chapman
18 Ore Ore
19 Kraft Olsen
20 Hollander Hollander
21 Hurd Hurd
22 Nara Mylonas
23 Marin Marcos-Marin
24 Oikawa Oikawa
25 Tompa Tompa
26 Adamo Adamo
27 Voorhis Voorhis
28 Martin Martin
29 Bolton Bolton
30 Johnston Johnston
31 (Clarke) (Clarke)
32 Wesolowski Wesolowski
33 O'Brien O'Brien
34 Kurzweil Kurzweil
35 Makrolog Makrolog
36 Texpert Texpert
38 Schumacher Schumacher
39 Lamb Lamb
H1 (NA) (NA)
H2 (NA) (NA)
H3 (NA) (NA)
H4 (NA) (NA)

Directory of names

[* denotes commercial developer]

Adamo: Dr. Giovanni Adamo, Dr. Ada Russo, Dr. Giacinta Spinosa,
Dr. Marco Veneziani (Rome); software: Lessico Intellectuale
Europeo (Latin database)

*Baima: John Baima (Silver Mountain Software); LBase (linguistic
analysis and retrieval)

*Bolton: Barbara Bolton (SoftQuad, Inc.); software: SoftQuad
Publishing Software; SoftQuad Author/Editor

Bradley: John Bradley (Computing Services, Toronto); software:
TACT (text-retrieval and analysis)

Brunet: Professor Etienne Brunet (Institut national de la langue
Franc,aise, CNRS, Nice); software: HyperBase

*Chapman: Chris Chapman (Cultural Resources, Inc.); software:
Culture (database of Western civilization)

Cioran: Prof. Samuel D. Cioran (Humanities Computing Centre,
McMaster); software: mcBOOKmaster (authoring system, CAI and

Clarke: George Clarke (Computer Shop, Toronto); hardware: NeXT

Colpaert: Dr. Jozef Colpaert, Dr. Wim Uyttersprot (DIDASCALIA,
Antwerp); software: Vocapuces, Verbapuces, Textapuces (CALL)

Colson: Dr. R. F. Colson (Southampton); software: Historical
Documents Expert System (HIDES)

Daoust: Francois Daoust, Luc Dupuy (Centre d'ATO, Universite' du
Que'bec a` Montre'al); software: SATO (text analysis)

Dresher: Prof. Elan Dresher (Dept. of Linguistics, Toronto);
software: Youpie (linguistic stress)

Ehrlich: Prof. Heyward Ehrlich (English, Rutgers); software: PC-
Write Documentation Engine

Faulhaber: Prof. Charles Faulhaber (Spanish and Portuguese, UC
Berkeley); software: Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts (textbase)

Halteren: Prof. Hans van Halteren (TOSCA, Nijmegen); software:
LDB, Linguistic DataBase (LDB); Computer Library of Utterances
for Exercises in Syntax (CLUES)

Hollander: Prof. Robert Hollander, Jonathan Altman (Dartmouth
Dante Project); software: Dartmouth Dante Project Database

Hunter: Prof. David C. Hunter (Computer Science, Muskingum);
Prof. Donald Ross (English, Minnesota); software: micro-Eyeball
(stylistic statistics)

Hurd: Prof. John Hurd (Religious Studies, Toronto); software:
Greek Tutor

Janus: Prof. Louis Janus (Norwegian, St. Olaf); software:
Norwegian courseware

*Johnston: James Johnston (Electronic Text Corporation);
software: WordCruncher (interactive concordance)

Kraft: Prof. Robert Kraft (Religious Studies, Pennsylvania);
hardware: Ibycus; software: TLG, PHI texts, hypertext, etc.

*Kurzweil: Kurzweil Data Entry; hardware: optical character
recognition systems

Lamb: Professor Martin Lamb (Faculty of Library and Information
Science, Toronto); software: Menulay (hypermedia)

*Makrolog: Makrolog Gesellschaft fuer Logik- und
Computeranwendungen; software: OPTOPUS (optical character

Maranda: Prof. Pierre Maranda (Anthropologie, Laval); software:
Discourse Analysis (DISCAN)

Marin: Prof. Dr. Francisco Marcos-Marin (Madrid); software: UNITE
(textual editing and publishing)

Martin: Prof. Philippe Martin (Experimental Phonetics Laboratory,
Toronto); hardware: phonetic analysis

McKinnon: Prof. Alastair McKinnon (Philosophy, McGill); software:
TextMap (content analysis)

*Melby: Prof. Alan Melby (LinguaTech International, Utah);
software: Mercury/Termex (lexical data management)

Mepham: Prof. Michael Mepham (Laval, Que'bec); software:
Lemmatiseur, DAT, SYREX (textual enrichment and analysis,
segmentation, lexical construction and tagging)

Mohler: Dr. Peter Ph. Mohler (Zentrum fuer Umfragen, Methoden, und
Analysen, Mannheim); software: Textpack (textual analysis)

Morgan: Dr. Nicholas Morgan (History, Glasgow); software: DISH
(historical dbms)

Mylonas: Elli Mylonas (Perseus Project, Harvard); software:
Perseus (hypermedia for classical culture); Pandora (TLG text

Nara: Prof. Hiroshi Nara (East Asian, Pittsburgh); software:
Understanding Written, Spoken Japanese Project (CALL)

*O'Brien: Shiera O'Brien (Multiscript/La Langagerie, Montre'al,
for ALPNET); software: Translation Support System

*O'Connor: Royalynn O'Connor (Oxford University Press, NY);
software: OED on CD-ROM; Micro-OCP; Shakespeare (textbases,
concordance software)

Oikawa: Dr. A. Oikawa (National Institute for Educational
Research, Japan); software: educational materials support system

Olsen: Dr. Mark Olsen (ARTFL, Chicago); software: ARTFL (online
database of French texts)

Ore: Espen Ore (Norwegian Centre for Computing in the Humanities,
Bergen); software: various (CALL, hypermedia, etc.)

Ott: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Ott (Datenverarbeitung, Tuebingen);
software: microTUSTEP (scholarly information processing)

Picchi: Dr. Eugenio Picchi, Dr. Nicoletta Calzolari (Istituto di
Linguistica Computazionale, Pisa); software: lexical database

Portoraro: Frederic Portoraro (Philosophy, Toronto); software:
SymLog (symbolic logic CAI)

Rockwell: Geoffrey Rockwell (Apple Research Partnership Program
and Univ. of Toronto Computing Services, Toronto); software: Bib,
etc. (personal information management)

Rust: Prof. Richard D. Rust (English, North Carolina); software:
LitTerms (literary glossary)

Schumacher: Dr. Jean Schumacher (Centre de Traitement Electroniques
des Documents, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium); software: Logiciel
d'Interrogation Interactive de Textes

Semonche: Prof. John E. Semonche (History, North Carolina);
software: Simulations in U.S. History

*Siebert: Steve Siebert (Dragonfly Software); software: Nota Bene
(scholarly wordprocessing and text-retrieval)

Snelgrove: Dr. Theresa Snelgrove (English, Toronto); software:
Structural Analysis Program (STRAP)

*Sola': Prof. Donald F. Sola' (Modern Languages and Linguistics,
Cornell); software: Interlex (second-language learning)

*Texpert: Texpert software (optical character recognition)

Tompa: Prof. Frank Tompa, Darrell Raymond (New OED, Waterloo);
software: PAT, GODEL, FAT (text-retrieval, online OED)

*Voorhis: David Voorhis (Armchair Airlines Computer Services,
Brandon, Manitoba); software: LOGOS (emotional tone)

*Wesolowski: Joan Wesolowski (Calera Systems); hardware and
software: Calera (optical character recognition and scanning)

Wilson: Dr. Eve Wilson (Computing Laboratory, Kent at
Canterbury); software: JUSTUS (hypertext information retrieval
for law)

*Wong: Ruth Wong (Innotech); software: Brushwriter (Chinese

Zahavy: Prof. Tzvee Zahavy; Dr. Tzvika Goldenberg; Ms. Carol
Weist (Project Woksape, Classical and Near Eastern Studies,
Minnesota); software: MILIM (Hebrew language drill)

Exhibition room, 2nd floor, Medical Sciences (Alumni Hall)
(The room measures approximately 61 feet by 31 feet; the diagram
is not to scale.)

(windows with curtains along this side) (wall)
|-----------------------------------------------.D D---------|
|.............workstations....................... ..workst.|
| |w
| |i
w........................... .............................|n
a workstations . . workstations |d
l........................... .............................|o
l workstations . . workstations |w
|........................... .............................|s
| |
| |
| |
|......... ..................................................|
| workst.. . workstations |
|---------D D-------------------------------------------------|
(wall) (wall)
to breakout

Abbreviation Meaning

c colour display
cd external CD-ROM drive
dem demonstrator supplies equipment
e direct link to mainframe
EMS EMS memory
fs file-server
HPLJ Hewlett Packard LaserJet Plus
H Hacker's Corner (machines for impromptu demonstrations)
H+ Hercules Graphics Plus
Ib. Ibycus microcomputer
m monochrome display (EGA for AT, VGA for PS/2)
Mac Macintosh
mt external modem and telephone line
mse mouse
NA not to be assigned
p printer
p24 24-pin printer
PS/2 IBM PS/2-50, 20 Mb fixed disk
PS/2z IBM PS/2-50Z, 60Mb fixed disk
t tables
term terminal
tk special talk
vd video-disk player
ws workstation
# physically contiguous to workstation number
3270 IBM 3270 emulation software
