hypermedia in libraries? (32)

Wed, 26 Apr 89 20:17:50 EDT

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 898. Wednesday, 26 Apr 1989.

Date: Wed, 26 Apr 89 14:48:06 CDT
From: Charles Ess <DRU001D@SMSVMA>
Subject: Library intermedia

Following a recent visit by Peter Heywood (Biology, Brown University) who
spoke to us about his experiences with Intermedia -- one of our library
staff, who is responsible for organizing a program next fall on our campus
for regional librarians, asked about the possibility bringing in resource
persons such as Peter to address her conference. While it is possible that
Peter may be able to do so...

any recommendations from the HUMANIST readers for a possible resource person
who is knowledgeable especially in library applications of hypermedia?

(We have two additional candidates, one from California, and the other from
New York: budget is a factor here, so recommendations for folk closer to
Missouri would be especially welcome.)

Our great thanks in advance,

Charles Ess
Drury College
Springfield, MO