various replies (96)

Thu, 6 Apr 89 19:26:23 EDT

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 808. Thursday, 6 Apr 1989.

(1) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 89 19:52:20 PDT (24 lines)
Subject: Grading; Turbofonts

(2) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 89 05:10:05 EDT (13 lines)
From: Hans Joergen Marker <DDAHM@NEUVM1.bitnet>
Subject: languages? (46)

(3) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 89 11:10:00 EDT (16 lines)
Subject: Re: David Mealand? parsed Hebrew and LXX Bibles? (45)

(4) Date: 6 April 1989 (14 lines)
Subject: PS/2 micros and internal modems

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 89 19:52:20 PDT
Subject: Grading; Turbofonts

I should like to thank the many people who wrote about their experience
of grading assignments cooperatively done;some messages came at a time
when, our system just having been upgraded, it was having teething troubles,
and so not all were replied to personally. Your letters were very welcome
and useful.

Since nobody replied to my query about Turbofonts, I telephoned and
the answer is, that Turbofonts Plus for laser printers does work with
(some) dot-matrix printers (it should be o.k. for my NecP2 but not for
my M-Tally 160); that this situation may not obtain for much longer; and
that it will work with only two or three laser printers (I forget the
details but Hewltt-Packard was the first mentioned); that it is licensed
to only one machine, not to one user (so one has to make a choice of
whether to buy it on 3.5" or 5.25" disks). As Turbofonts was the software
most frequently recommended when I put out my original query, others may
wish to follow this up. There is a 20% discount for cheque with order;
a 17% discount for credit-card order. I have no financial connection
with Image Processing Systems, if that's what they're called. Alan Rudrum,
English Dept, SFU, Burnaby,B.C., Canada V5A 1S6 (useranth@sfu.bitnet).
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------21----
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 89 05:10:05 EDT
From: Hans Joergen Marker <DDAHM@NEUVM1.bitnet>
Subject: languages? (46)

Answer to Connie Crosby

I believe that computers works fairly decently with one language (English)
or perhaps two (American English and English English). To quite a number
of other languages computers do peculiar things.

But perhaps this was not the answer you had in mind?

Hans J|rgen Marker <DDAHM@NEUVM1>
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------27----
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 89 11:10:00 EDT
Subject: Re: David Mealand? parsed Hebrew and LXX Bibles? (45)

David Mealand can be found at


or some such ordering

Peter Burnhill
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------17----
Date: 6 April 1989
Subject: PS/2 micros and internal modems

Can't recall reading anything on internal modems for the
PS/2 25 or 30, but you can certainly get them for models 50 to
80. See *PCWorld* December 1988, 'Everything you need to
upgrade your PS/2', esp. pp. 200-202; and *PCWorld* March
1989, features evaluation 'Full-featured 2400-bhps Modems:
Two Winners', pp. 136-46.
