
Fri, 3 Mar 89 22:11:17 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 671. Friday, 3 Mar 1989.

Date: Fri, 03 Mar 89 19:26:58 CST
From: "Kevin L. Cope" <ENCOPE@LSUVM>
Subject: Steps Toward an Identity!!!!


Thank you all for your help in identifying the author of THE BRIDGE BUILDER.
The man behind the poem is WILL ALLEN DROMGOOLE, a popular poet of the early
twentieth century.

Alas, the proposition that the author was the All Souls College mallard has
now been debunked. The claim of Lawrence Welk has also been exposed as a
fraud. But, then, mallards do take swims in champagne (witness the Peabody
Hotel in Memphis), so we can imagine that Lawrence and Quackles may keep one
another company in the old impostors' home.

I still need help in finding the author of my first poem, THE ROAD AHEAD. I
look forward to receiving your responses to my problem in attribution.

Remembering Norma Zimmer,

Yours ever,

Kevin L. Cope