OCP; humanities computing (33)

Fri, 24 Feb 89 22:10:17 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 645. Friday, 24 Feb 1989.

Date: Fri, 24 FEB 89 11:12:12 GMT
Subject: (1) Micro-OCP hyphens and (2) Humanities computing

(1) Further investigation of Micro-OCP's treatment of end-of-line
hyphens shows that it can handle Daniel Riding's problem and also
that of Sterling Bjorndahl. I will be happy to supply Micro-OCP
commands which work on Daniel's and Sterling's texts to anybody
who requests them. Apologies for the confusion.

(2) I have read with interest the comments on my book 'A Guide to
Computer Applications in the Humanities'. HUMANISTs might like to
know that, as part of the Toronto-Oxford Summer School in Humanities
Computing in June, I will be giving a course on literary and linguistic
computing which will be modelled on my book, but with updated and current
information. For information about the summer school, please contact

Susan Hockey

[The above address for information about the Summer School is, of
course, in the unique dialect of JANETspeak. For
NetNorth/Bitnet/EARN-speakers, the address would be
cch@vm.epas.utoronto.ca, or cch@utorepas. --W.M.]