job advert (35)

Mon, 6 Feb 89 19:54:09 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 564. Monday, 6 Feb 1989.

Date: Mon, 6 Feb 89 22:37:39 GMT
From: E S Atwell <eric@AI.LEEDS.AC.UK>
Subject: research vacancy

The University of Leeds
- Department of Modern Arabic Studies / School of Computer Studies

*** RESEARCH ASSISTANT to develop software for the teaching of Arabic ***

Applications are invited for the above post from April 1989 for a fixed period
of about nine months. The Research Assistant will join a team developing
Arabic teaching software for the Macintosh environment. Expertise in software
development is required, particularly in the area of AI. A knowledge of Arabic
is advantageous but not essential.

The salary will be between #8675 and #10460 depending on qualifications and
relevant experience.

Further information and application forms may be obtained from the Registrar,
The University, Leeds, LS2 9JT, quoting reference no. 17/1. Informal enquiries
may be made either to Adrian Brockett via JANET ( or

by phone on (0532) 333424, or to Eric Atwell via JANET (
or by phone on (0532) 335761.