biographies, 16th suppl. (691)

Thu, 26 Jan 89 21:40:07 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 538. Thursday, 26 Jan 1989.

Date: 26 January 1989
From: Willard McCarty <>
Subject: 16th supplement to the biographies

Autobiographies of Humanists
Sixteenth Supplement

Following are 23 additional entries to the collection of
autobiographical statements by members of the Humanist discussion

Humanists on IBM VM/CMS systems will want a copy of Jim Coombs'
exec for searching and retrieving biographical entries. It is
kept on Humanist's file-server; for more information, see the
Guide to Humanist.

Further additions, corrections, and updates are welcome.

Willard McCarty
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, Univ. of Toronto
26 January 1989
*Aristar, Anthony Manuel Rodrigues <ARISTAR@MCC.COM>

Address: Human Interface Laboratory, Natural Language Project,
MCC, Austin, TX 78759. Telephone 512 338 3443

I'm an Australian citizen who's lived in America since 1978. I
did my BA (Hons) at the University of Melbourne, specializing in
Middle Eastern Studies, Arabic and Linguistics.

I came to this country in order to study at the University of
Chicago, where I did an AM in Comparative Semitics. My PhD, from
the University of Texas at Austin, is in linguistics, the major
focus of my work being in typology and language change. In my
last year as a student I was offered a job in computational
linguistics, a field which has successfully kept me in America
since 1984.

Most of my research has been focussed on Arabic---I've written a
pretty complete morphological analyzer for the language---and on
the definition of computational formalisms which are capable of
capturing cross-linguistic generalizations in syntax. At the
moment I'm interested in theories of morphology in general, and
in computational models of language change, though somehow I
always find myself being dragged back into work on the more
ancient Afroasiatic languages, in part because cultural contrasts
fascinate me, in part because I'm intrigued by the problems dead
languages present. On occasion I've idly speculated about the
computational approaches to the problems of undeciphered ancient
languages---Linear A always comes to mind---but none of this
musing has resulted in anything more concrete than a tipsy after-
dinner conversation.
*Birnbaum, David Jonathan <> [Internet]
<djb@wjh12.uucp> [UUCP]
<djb@harvunxw> [Bitnet]

Fellow, Russian Research Center, Harvard University; 11 Adams
Terrace, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA; 617-492-8511

Ph.D. in Slavic linguistics (Harvard). Slavic philologist
specializing in the study of medieval Slavic texts and in Slavic

Current major projects are a critical edition and English
translation of the Life of Stefan Lazarevic (Serbian despot, d.
1427) and accentual dictionaries of medieval Slavic manuscripts.
Additional research interests include Slavic and general
linguistics, both diachronic and synchronic, specializing in
phonology and morphology.

Computational interests include the use of computers in the study
of orthographically complex manuscripts (on which see the
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Symbolic and
Logical Computing, Madison, SD, 1988), Cyrillic character sets
(information interchange standards, font design), multilingual
word processing and typesetting, foreign language Optical
Character Recognition, and SNOBOL. Member of the Advisory Board
of the Humanities Computing Yearbook sharing responsibility for
Slavic languages.
*Dupuy, Luc <r21014@uqam.bitnet>

Chercheur, Centre d'Analyse de Textes par Ordinateur, Universite
du Quebec a Montreal, C.P. 8888, Succ. "A", Montreal H3C 3P8;
(514) 678-0628 (514) 282-8256

At the present time, I am employed by the Centre d'Ato in
Montreal. My principal interest are in relating discourse
analysis and computational techniques. Anything that will be
concerned with Artificial Intelligence in a sociological
perspective (expert systems just to mention this one) will get my

I have been associated with this type of research at the centre
d'ato for 3 years, and hopefully will continue to do so for the
next 5 or 10 years. I have a preference for "logic" as far as it
is concerned with the natural aspect of cognition (read
sociological cognition).

Quite obviously, I am a French "native" and I intend to remain
this way... but I appreciate chatting about things so there is
room for much curiosity. Among other things I have a preference
for hands on experience of computers; and programming activities
also get a fair deal of my attention (mostly Lisp, C and Pascal).
So I guess there is plenty to talk about. Last but not least, I
am a Ph D candidate in the sociology department of the Universite
du Quebec a Montreal; thesis domain : analyse du discours
journalistique et question nationale.

Key Words : artificial intelligence, C, Pascal, Lisp,
epistemology sociology, social theory, critical
theory, expert systems, computers, sociology of knowledge,
philosophy of knowledge, ideology, social psychology of

Salutations amicales, Luc Dupuy
*Geary, Patrick J. <GEARY@UFFSC>

Professor of History, University of Florida, 4131 Turlington
Hall, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA (904) 378-9267

Research: medieval continental history, especially social and
cultural. Archival work concentrates on France, Austria, Germany,
and Italy. Previous publications include: Furta Sacra: Thefts of
Relics in the Central Middle Ages (1978); Aristocracy in
Provence: The Rhone Basin at the Dawn of the Carolingian Era
(1985); Before France and Germany: The Creation and
Transformation of the Merovingian World (1988). Currently I am
writing a book on memory and oblivion in the eleventh century in
which I examine the implicit and explicit means by which the past
was used, transmitted and transformed between 950 and 1050.

Special areas of research involving computer work: statistical
analysis of naming patterns in Europe ca. 800-1100; structure of
Carolingian manors based on network analysis.
*Gilbert, John K. (Jody) e-mail address userid=dog1

At present, spring 89, I am a graduate student in English at
Simon Fraser University. My present work involves investigating
hardware and software to assist in teaching and researching
English. At the '88 MLA conference in New Orleans, Professor
Paul Delany and I presented a paper and a demo of a piece of
Hypercard software which we created around Fielding's *Joseph
Andrews*. I believe that developing communications and
information handling technology will not only increase the
efficiency but also, and perhaps more importantly, the pleasure
and sense of community of our shcolarly endeavours. So I
continue on an X-year mission to seek out new hardware / English
scholars have gone before.
*Glazer, Mark <MG6BE8@PANAM>

Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Pan American
University, Edinburg, Texas 78539 (512) 381-3551

I am an anthropologist specializing in folklore studies with
special emphasis on legends and archival data bases. The Rio
Grande Folklore Archive, where I do my work, has thousands of
folklore items on line. This includes folk beliefs, folk
medicine, recipes, proverbs and a certain number of folk tales.
All items include contextual information. This information is
stored on a Bernouli Box attached to a Zenith computer. We are
currently using Nutshell which has served us well with its full
indexing capacity. We are about to start experimenting with
AskSam and Nutshell Plus.

As to my background, I am a Northwestern University Ph.D. in
Anthropology, a Professor of Anthropology, and the Head of the
Rio Grande Folklore Archive at Pan American University. I must
also confess to being the Associate Dean of our College of Arts
and Sciences.
*Hobohm, Hans-Christoph <AMR06@DK0RRZK0>

Institute for applied social research, Greinstr. 2, University of
Cologne, D-5000 Cologne 41, West Germany. Phone: 49 221 470 4406
(a.m.), 49 221 31 94 28 (p.m.)

My principal subjects of interest are Romance Litterature,
historical data- base managment systems like kleio (CLIO) and
applications of computers in library work.

I am about to finish my PhD on censorship of novels in the early
French enlightenment and I am earning my life by teaching
computer to litterature students as well as to future librarians
for I am running the library of a sociological institute.
*Holmes, Steven H <>

Research Assistant, Department of Computing, Plymouth
Polytechnic, PLYMOUTH PL4 8AA UK

I am currently employed as a Research Assistant at Plymouth,
where I am conducting investigations into issues of user-
understanding, user-attitudes, user-preconceptions and issues of
usability in a general sense with respect to systems which may be
regarded as in some way intelligent; for example, expert
systems, knowledge-based advisors and intelligent decision-
support environments --- situations in which users are more
likely to feel threatened than is the case with traditional data-
processing systems. At the present time, I am working with
social workers on the implementation of a decision-support system
which offers advice on how to deal with cases of child abuse.

In 1986, I graduated from Plymouth Polytechnic with a BSc(Hons)
in Computing and Informatics -- I am currently working towards a
PhD in the area I have described above.

My research interests may be broadly summarised as: artificial
intelligence, cognitive psychology, the psychology of computer
usage, intelligent systems, and human-computer interaction. I am
a member of AISB (the Society for the study of Artificial
Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour) and HICOM (the
electronic working environment and conferencing system for Human-
Computer Interaction).
*Hoyt, Giles R. <IPIF100@INDYCMS>

Associate Professor and Chair, Dept. of German, Indiana
University- Indianapolis, 425 Agnes St., Indianapolis IN 46202.
Phone: 317-274-2330.

My major field of research is early modern German literature,
particularly narrative literature. I also do work in ethnic
studies as related to Germans in North America. In that field of
study I have concentrated on the Germans of the Midwestern United
States. My interest in computing as applied to humanistic
research dates back to late 1982 when I purchased an Osborne CP/M
machine. I became active in user groups and was named
coordinator for the Indiana University Faculty Computer Literacy
Program in the School of Liberal Arts on my campus. I am very
interested in the use of text based data bases, electronic
manipulation and study of texts, telecommunications, and to a
limited extent CAI. Currently I have been using WordPerfect,
AskSam, and WordCruncher to set up bibliographies, prepare course
materials, handle university bureaucracy, edit texts, and
research texts. I am very interested in the possibility of an
on-line refereed journal in my field and have done some research
on that topic.
*Humanists at Brown University <HUMANDST@BROWNVM>

At Brown University HUMANIST is posted on BRUNO (BRown University
News Online). BRUNO is a conferencing system system based on
GRAND, a distributed database system developed at IBM. It is
used to make electronic lists and digests available to the
university community and to support special interest conferences.
Bruno is the principle means of electronic conferencing at Brown
and is accessible to the Brown University community without
charge on Brown's VM system ( All of the
HUMANIST logs are also available and may be accessed with the
BRUNO text retrieval and browsing tools.

There are many avid HUMANIST readers/contributors at Brown, as
scanning the HUMANIST logs for strings like Coombs, Mylonas,
DeRose, Renear, Seid, Brennan, Landow, &c. reveals. Brown is
also home to the Brown Computing in the Humanities User's Group
(CHUG), the Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship
(IRIS), and the Pre-Victorian Women Writer's Project
(, as well as other humanities
computing projects.

Most HUMANIST readers at Brown will not show up on the LISTSERV
subscription list at UTORONTO. And although they are encouraged
to submit their biographies to McCarty it is likely that many
will not get around to it. Consequently anyone who would like a
mailing list of computing humanists at Brown should request the
CHUG mailing list from Allen Renear (

Before BRUNO went into production HUMANIST mailings and logs were
maintained online for Brown by Tim Seid of the Religious Studies
*Kirsner, Robert S. <IDT1RSK@UCLAMVS.BITNET>

Associate Professor of Dutch and Afrikaans, Department of
Germanic Languages, 302 Royce Hall - UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90024-
153 USA; Office (213) 825-3955 Home (213) 390-5367

I am a linguist with an interest in the semantics of grammatical
systems, the use of discourse data in grammatical analysis, in
objective (i.e. quantitative and experimental) methods in
linguistics, and in pragmatics. I have concerned myself with the
semantics and pragmatics of modal auxiliaries, the so-called
"passive" in Dutch, its tense system, adverbial pronouns, the so-
called "indirect object", the semantics of demonstratives, and
discourse particles.

Though I have worked primarily on Dutch, I have also authored or
co-authored papers on English and Swahili. Theoretically, I have
recently become intrigued with Cognitive Grammar and the possible
areas of agreement between it and more Saussurean approaches. For
me the most crucial question in linguistics is: What does a
meaning look like?

Though I am a linguist, my teaching at UCLA deals with all
aspects of the languages I am responsible for within the UCLA
Department of Germanic Languages, including the literatures
written in Dutch and Afrikaans. These literatures are VERY rich
and, as my colleagues and students have discovered, well worth

In addition to topics of linguistic interest, I am interested
in Computer Assisted Language Instruction. In my function as
Departmental Representative to the Humanities Computing
Committee, I would welcome descriptions of software, etc. which
we could possibly use in our language programs.

Literary & Linguistic Computing Centre, Sidgwik Avenue,
Cambridge. Tel: 0223-335019 (LLCC); 0223-276474 (home, with

After teaching in several theological colleges, I am now involved
in various part-time consultancy jobs, in the hope this will also
provide time for writing and research. I run a small company
which acts as European agency for the Ibycus SC (sorry about the
advert!) and am involved in consultancy work for the LLCC; and
also for the Divinity Faculty here in the University, co-
ordinating a project to index all Jewish inscriptions of the
Graeco-Roman period (and hopefully to provide a corpus). I am an
Affiliated Lecturer in the Divinity Faculty and keep my hand in
with various lecture courses.

My major research interests are: Exploring the ways in which new
religious beliefs emerge, with particular reference to the
development of christology in the early church; Semantics and
computer studies of lingusitic phenomena, with particular
reference to koine Greek; Desk-top publication of obscure and/or
difficult fonts.
*Langston, Peter Scot <>

M.T.S., Bellcore MRE 2D-396, (201) 829-4332, 445 South St.,
Morristown, NJ 07960-1910

I have been involved with technology and the arts, jointly and
separately since 1964 when I first discovered computers. Since
that time, I've been involved in a number of seemingly unrelated

I wrote the software for the first (and probably the last) time-
shared analog computer at Reed College in Portland, OR; I taught
computer science, song-writing, and audio recording at The
Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA; I supported myself
playing original music ("New Music" & Rock'n'Roll in Portland,
Bluegrass in Olympia, New York, & Portland, modern acoustic music
in Olympia and Boston); I wrote scientific analysis & graphics
programs for the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in
Cambridge, MA; I wrote financial database/analysis programs; I
developed an office automation system for a large Wall Street law
firm; I headed a group that designed high-tech computer games at
Lucasfilm Ltd.; and now I'm working at Bell Communications
Research on algorithmic music composition, among other things.
I've had pieces in computer graphics shows, been interviewed by
Scientific American, miscellaneous radio & TV stations, the Wall
Street Journal, and Business Week, given concerts of electronic
music, played in an experimental ensemble with scores that looked
like Klee sketches and a stage band with no scores at all,
consulted as an electronics designer, repaired stringed
instruments, and written a program that was the world's champion
GO playing program for two years. Oh yes, I have a degree in
Chemistry, (a subject about which I remember almost nothing, but
that was 20 years ago).

My principal interest is in using technology in the arts and my
crusade is to do so without destroying the attractiveness of the
*Malling, Glenn A. <sysgam@suvm>

Computer Systems Specialist, Computing and Network Services,
Skytop Office Building, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
13244; (315) 443-4111

My request for subscription to HUMANIST is an attempt to combat
the growing isolation of the computer specialist (me) from the
cares and concerns of the people for whom we run these machines.
One way I have of doing this is to sit on the sidelines of
discussion groups such as HUMANIST and eavesdrop.
*Mandell, Dan <xlykn8@irishmvs>

Senior Academic Specialist, Saint Mary's College, Computing
Center, Notre Dame, In 46556; (219) 284 4610

PhD. in Philosophy (1979). Since 1984 I have worked with the
Academic Computer Users at Saint Mary's College, from my staff
position as Academic Specialist. At present we are focusing on
the Humanities Faculty, and the importance of developing a
Strategic Plan for information access and management
on our small liberal arts campus.
*Perry, David <carlos@ecsvax>

Editor, University of North Carolina Press, Box 2288, Chapel
Hill, NC 27515 (919) 966-3561

I am an acquiring editor for the University of North Carolina
Press, specializing in works in folklore, American studies,
American history (particularly southern history), and Latin
American studies. As a member and former chair of the Computer
Committee of the American Association of University Presses, I
have a special interest in the use of microcomputers for the
preparation of scholarly manuscripts, computer-aided book
production, alternatives to traditional book publication, and
computer applications in the humanities in general.

Liaison Officer - Schools of Modern Studies & Education. Trent
Polytechnic, Nottingham Computing Services, Burton Street,
NOTTINGHAM, England. NG1 4BU phone: (0602) 418248.

Recently appointed as Liaison Officer to 2 schools in the
Polytechnic. Expected to provide backup service for existing
computer work and to encourage/initiate more use of computers in
the degree/research work of the schools. Exciting prospect!
Modern Studies encompasses Literature & Language, History,
Geography and Creative Arts. Braver individuals in all these
areas are at the stage of beginning to use computing techniques
to assist their work: Wordprocessing, Databases, Spreadsheets.
They are not (yet) constrained by WHAT YOU SHOULD DO WITH
COMPUTERS - they don't really know enough yet so they keep asking
'simple' questions which have a habit of extending the use of
soft/hardware into new areas.

My background includes study as a Fine Art student, degree in all
sorts (Maths, Statistics, Technology and Art History), work in
theatre, wife who works in theatre and arts administration and 14
years of offering advice/help/assistance to users of academic

I get the impression that you in the states are further ahead of
us in the use of computers in the humanities and the arts.
Hopefully regular mailings of the HUMANIST will help!
*Sveinbjornsson, Jon <JSVEINB@RHI.HI.IS.Bitnet>

Professor, Faculty of Theology, Director, Institute of Theology,
University of Iceland, Sudurgata, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland.
Telephones: 0354-1-694345 and 0354-1-33493 (home).

I have been professor of New Testament Studies (Luke, John,
Romans, New Testament Theology) from 1974. Earlier I was
assistant professor in Ancient Greek language and literature in
the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Art and New Testament
translator for the Icelandic Bible Society.

My main areas of research are: Methods of ancient rhetoric to
influence the reader as a basis for modern reading of ancient
texts. Semantic analysis of New Testament texts for preparation
of a machine readable dictionary/concordance based on semantic
domains (in collaboration with colleges from the Department of
Linguistics. Translation Theory (I have been engaged in the
translation and revision of the Icelandic New Testament 1981). I
am interesed in engaging students in applying computers to Bible
texts: text retrieval - HyperCard - etc. I am a member of a
Macintosh-users group called BOREAL. We are a discussion group
for computing humanities and applying computers to scholarship in
the humanities. At present we are especially concentrating on
ancient texts (Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Old-Norse, Old-
English). All the members are teachers and researchers at the
University of Iceland, both in the Faculty of Theology and the
Faculty of Art.
*Taylor, Richard C. <6297TAYL@MUCSD>

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Marquette
University, Milwaukee, WI 53233 U.S.A.

I was born in Lockport, N.Y. in 1950 and educated in Catholic
schools through high school. After spending a year at Syracuse
University, I completed my undergraduate education at the State
University of New York at Buffalo receiving a B.A. (with honors)
in Philosophy in 1972. There I enrolled in several courses taught
by the late Prof. George Hourani, an expert in ancient philosophy
and medieval Islamic thought as well as ethics. As a result of
association with Prof. Hourani, I undertook graduate studies at
the University of Toronto in Medieval Studies and Philosophy. I
received an M.A. in Medieval Studies in 1974 and a Ph.D. in
Medieval Studies and Philosophy in 1982. In 1982 I joined the
Philosophy Department at Marquette University in Milwaukee where
I have taught undergraduate and graduate courses in ancient and
medieval philosophy was well as in other areas. In 1986 I was
named chair of the Editorial Board of the Marquette University
Press series, Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation.

My studies in Toronto concentrated on ancient and medieval
Christian and Islamic philosophy and the requisite language work.
My doctoral dissertation, directed by M.E. Marmura of Middle East
and Islamic Studies, was an edition with English translation and
study of an Arabic text, KALAM FI MAHD AL-KHAIR ("Discourse on
the Pure Good") which I edited from manuscripts examined during a
research trip to Holland, Turkey and Egypt in 1979-80. This
Arabic work, based in large part on a work by the Greek
Neoplatonist Proclus, appeared in Arabic in the 9th century C.E.
and was translated into Latin in the late 12th century under the
name, LIBER DE CAUSIS. In the Latin West, it was for some time
thought to be a work by Aristotle and enjoyed enormous
popularity, something reflected by the fact that there are nearly
250 extant Latin manuscripts of it and the many commentaries on
it by Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, Siger of Barbant, Giles of
Rome, Roger Bacon and others.

My publications have for the most part dealt with this text and
its importance and influence in Medieval Islam and Christianity.
In addition to my work on the Arabic text of this treatise, I
have also done some work toward the preparation of a critical
edition of the Latin version. I have published articles in
ORIENTALES and in two collections of essays. I have also been co-
editor of two collections of essays, THE LIFE OF RELIGION and
OF MORAL THOUGHT (forthcoming). Recently I completed a
translation into English of the COMMENTARY ON THE LIBER DE CAUSIS
by Thomas Aquinas, done in collaboration with Rev. C. Hess, O.P.,
and Rev. V. Guagliardo, O.P., of the Dominican School at
Berkeley. This is to be published by Catholic University Press.

Currently I am working on an English translation with notes and
by Averroes (Ibn Rushd). This work, originally composed in
Arabic, is extant in full only in a Medieval Latin translation
which was widely read by philosophical thinkers from the 13th
century well into the time of the Renaissance. This translation
is being funded substantially by a grant from the National
Endowment for the Humanities and will be published by Yale
University Press.

My interest in joining the network lies with my desire to be able
to explore further computer use for text edition, bibliographical
research and organization, and general study of philosophy and
the history of philosophy, particularly Medieval Islamic and
Christian thought. I would also like to contact humanists for
discussion of programs and utilities valuable to academics
*Tomlinson, David Otis <>

Professor of English, English Department, U. S. Naval Academy,
Annapolis, Maryland 21402-5044 (301)267-3425 (301)267-3274
(secretary's office); Home: 418 Kensington Road Baltimore,
Maryland 21229-2401

Rheumatic fever disabled me for nearly a year when I was six. It
forced me to take up sedentary occupations early. I began
reading voraciously then and began the study of music. The
reading did not take much talent; the music did. Although I had
little talent, I enjoyed the musical study though my joy in it
these days comes primarily from listening.

In college, I could not decide which of the humanities would be
my major and consequently shifted between philosophy, English and
history, finally settling on philosophy. A Rockefeller Brothers
fellowship in religion led me to three years of study in that
field before returning to graduate school in English and

Hired by the U. S. Naval Academy to teach English in 1970, I have
happily remained there since. The school does not offer a full
range of humanities courses, so those of us (there are near 40 at
the moment) in English must furnish not only a look at literature
but an understanding of cultural forces as well to students in a
technical environment.

For two terms (four years), I served as chair of our English
Department. I collect books and have also headed the Baltimore
Bibliophiles as well as the Maryland Association of Departments
of English and, presently, the Mid-Atlantic College English

I work at a school which for many years considered typewriters
too expensive an item to purchase for its teachers, but in recent
years it has furnished us with wonderful computers which make
those typewriters look like dime store toys.

I glory in this new technology, believing that it will work to
allow people to communicate better and therefore to be more
humane. The belief has led me to work on the board of the
COMPUTER-AIDED COMPOSITION JOURNAL, to work on an instructional
development project reviewing software for use in English at the
Naval Academy and to serve on Academy committees choosing
hardware and software for our students.
*Woodill, Gary <FCTY7310@RYERSON>

Faculty Member, School of Early Childhood Education, Ryerson
Polytechnical Institute, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M5B 2K3. (416) 979-5306

I have worked as a school teacher, guidance counsellor,
psychometrist, college teacher and university teacher over the
past 18 years - one of those people who has never left school.
My personal and professional interests are rather diverse -
personal: sailing, travelling (a fondness for trains), drawing,
chocolate truffles, the Midi of France, the Yugosalvian coast,
etc..... professional: computers and young children, computers
and disabled persons, the history and sociology of disability,
the psychology of humour concerning disability (send cartoons and
jokes to the above address), art and photography which depicts
disabled people.

My interest in disability started while working in a school for
children with cerebral palsy in the province of Newfoundland in
1973 and has been a thread throughout my work ever since. Last
year my wife (who is a sociologist at York University) and I
spend a sabbatical year France where I did extensive networking
and library work on the history of disabilities and special
education. One outcome of the year was a seminar in Paris on
"Infirmites, histoires et societes" where a group decided to form
an international association for the study of the history of
disabilities. The first general assembly of the association will
be held in Feb. 1989 in Paris. One of my goals is to have the
association set up computer links among its members. A Canadian
group is being set up, and we are looking for organizers in other
countries. If any of the HUMANIST group share my particular
passions, I would certainly welcome messages over this network.
*Whyte, Stephen Ray

303 Cramer UMC, Columbia, MO. 65201(314) 884-0404 OR 620 Ballman
St. Louis, MO. 63135(314) 522-8525

I didn't know that there was such a thing as professional
humanism, so I have nothing to say about my activities in that
field. I have a b.s. in psychology and am presently completing a
M.A. in philosophy. Of the different schools of psychology, I
have always believed that the attitude of the humanistic
psychologists was the healthiest, although I am not altogether
averse to utilizing the methods of the behaviorists and the
insights of the freudians and gestaltists. Other than marx,
pragmatism, existentialism, and a section in an introductory
philosophy text about humanism as a world-view, I have not
studied much humanistic philosophy. I used to subscribe to a
humanist magazine called "free inquiry" (sorry, I can't underline
with this terminal), but I found it overly emotional in tone and
no longer subscribe. Now, I buy "humanist" magazine whenever I
get the chance. I prefer it to "free inquiry", but of course I
can't agree with everything. Finally, I do like the humanities.
Besides philosophy, I have enjoyed literature, music and drama. I
apologize for writing such a collage as this. It seems that each
sentence should be its own paragraph.
*Zubrow, Ezra B.W. <apyezra@ubvms>

Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, State
University of New York at Buffalo, 350 Millard Fillmore East,
Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. 14261; 716-636-2369 (office), 716-636-
2414 (secretary), 716-636-2511 (laboratory)

I am an Anthropologist whose primary interests are archaeology.
My field work has been in various time periods and areas. They
include first millenial Southwestern and Northeastern U.S.,
neolithic Arctic Norway, pre-Toltec Mexico, classic India, as
well as paleolithic Israel. Substantively, I am interested in
prehistoric demography, geographic information systems and

Educated at Harvard and Arizona, I taught at Stanford prior to
Buffalo and have had visiting fellowships and scholarships to
Cambridge University. I am presently the director of the
Northeastern Archaeological Laboratory, the Anthropological
Geographic Information System Laboratory, and co-director of the
Archaeometry Research Group. I am a member of the National Center
for Geographic Information Analysis and various international
commissions. Finally, I have written and edited books on
prehistoric carrying capacity, anthropological demography, new
world archaeology, and other topics. Avocations include playing
the cello, squash, travel, and driving, racing and rallying