In message <> Sebastian Rahtz writes: > Dan O'Donnell wrote: > > I've also set up a folder on the TEI main website for council storage, > > though svn might be better. Should we maybe consider leaving all > > material there instead of at TEI-C. > > except that you dont get any rendering of docs. so SF is best for > material which should really be regarded as source, not > directly-readable. And I'd guess this GS doc falls into that category. I dont disagree with Sebastian about the relative advantages of the sf repository and the open cms one as a location for authoring material. However (a) it's not true that you get NO rendering on the Open CMS site (b) you don't on the other hand get any rendering at all if you just look at the SVN repository. What we should have is an automated way of publishing material from the SF repository to the OpenCMS site. That shouldn't be beyond the wit of information services, surely. And while I also think OpenCMS is a pain, it is the system we have and it would be foolish not to work with it just because it sucks. The altermnative is that we proliferate official repositories and confuse everyone.