->jing aet.rng aet.xml /tmp/aet.xml:5:35: error: unfinished element /tmp/aet.xml:6:55: error: element "engineType" not allowed in this context ->xmllint --noout --relaxng aet.rng aet.xml aet.xml:5: element automobile: Relax-NG validity error : Element automobile failed to validate attributes aet.xml:5: element automobile: Relax-NG validity error : Expecting an element engineType, got nothing aet.xml:5: element automobile: Relax-NG validity error : Element automobile failed to validate content aet.xml:4: element automobile: Relax-NG validity error : Element cars has extra content: automobile aet.xml fails to validate ->java -jar jing.jar aet.sch aet.xml /tmp/aet.xml:5: error: assertion failed: Engine type must be specified. You have your choice of an attribute or child element /tmp/aet.xml:6: error: report: Engine type can not be specified twice.